Saturday 21 March 2020

Instant Mango Rabdi

Hello everyone, today I  am going to share with you all very easy and instant recipe of famous Indian dessert called " Rabdi" with a fresh mango flavour.

1. Milk 1 ltr
2. Sugar 6 tbs
3. Bread crumbs of 4 bread
4. Milk powder 8 tbs
5. Mangoes 2 
5. Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp
6. Saffron strands 7-8
7. Sliced almonds

Step 1
Take a broad vessel like kadhai. Add 1 liter of full fat milk and allow it to boil for 5 mins on medium flame.
Step 2
Take 4 breads, cut it edges and make bread crumbs in a mixer jar. Once milk comes to boil at bread crumbs and stir it continuously to avoid lumps. Allow it to boil for another 3-4 mins.
 Step 3
Add sugar, cardomom powder, saffron, slice almond and milk powder at this stage. Milk powder will enhence the texture and taste of the Rabri. Switch off the flame after it  get thickens. Allow it to cool down at room temperature.
Step 4
Make puree of 1 & 1/2 mango and keep some of its cubes aside. Add mango puree to Rabdi as well it's cubes and give it a mix. Refrigerate it for couple of hours and then enjoy it will your dear and near ones.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Oats Pizza

Hello everyone! I would like to ask a question to my readers. What if you are craving for pizza and you are on weight loss regime. Today's Oats pizza recipe is a solution for it. I love oats because they are a good source of fiber. The star of this oat pizza crust is… OATS. I know an oats pizza crust might sound a little bizarre, but it is healthy and tasty too. 


1. 1/2 cup Oats
2.  3 tbs semolina
3.  3 tbs curd
4. Salt
5. Oil
6. Oregano
7. 1 tbs pizza sauce
8. Veggies( Bell pepper, onion, tomatoes, corn)
9. Paneer
10. water

Step 1

Making pizza base

Roast and coresly grind Oats. Add semolina, salt (as per taste) and,curd to it. Make smooth batter by adding approximately 1/4 cup of water. Give it a rest for 10 mins.

Step 2

Take non stick pan grease it with oil and spread the batter evenly to make a pizza base.  Cover it with the lid and allow it to cook on a slow flame for approximately 3 mins. Once it is done change the flame to high for 40-45 sec so that side of base will become crispy.

Step 3

Flip the base and make space to that side by pricking it with fork. Then apply the pizza sauce evenly and arrange all the veggies as per the choice and sprinkles some salt. Put some crumbled paneer and add oregano. Close it and allow it to cook for 2 mins on slow flame. Once it is done again put it on high flame for 30 sec.

Yummy oats pizza is ready.