Thursday 4 August 2016

Mummy its Yummy...

The main challenge for any of the mothers is to make their children eat healthy food. Now question is “what is the definition of healthy food for mothers and similarly for their children?” . So, from here conflict starts. But don't worry where there is problem there is a solution.
Here are two different recipes whose main ingredients are beetroot, cabbage, capsicum and carrot.

1. Pink Veggi Grill Sandwich

  1. Beetroot 
  2. Cabbage
  3. Capsicum(green bell pepper)
  4. Carrot
  5. Cheese slice
  6. Bread slice
  7. Paneer
  8. Black pepper powder
  9. Salt
  10. Oregano
  11. lemon juice
  12. Butter

Step 1
Take a mixing bowl to make stuffing. Now add grated beetroot, cabbage, carrot  1/2 cup each. Also add 2 tablespoon finely chopped capsicum and same measure of grated paneer. 
Step 2
Now we will do seasoning to our stuffing. Add 1 teaspoon oregano, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder, salt as per taste, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and finally mix well the mixture. 
Step 3
Will prepare sandwich. Take a bread slice,  spread the mixture equally on it, then put a slice of cheese on it for cream taste and lastly put another slice on it. As this recipe was developed for kids i had not used green chutney but if you want, you can.  So far our raw sandwich is ready for grill.
Put the sandwich into griller and allow to grill for 10 to 15 minutes. Once it is done remove the sandwich from griller,  then gently apply butter on the upper surface of it and cut into pieces as you wish and enjoy grilled sandwich with tomato ketchup.

2. Cheesy Toast Sandwich
  1. Beetroot 
  2. Cabbage
  3. Capsicum(green bell pepper)
  4. Caroot
  5. Cheese grated
  6. Bread slice
  7. Suji
  8. Curd
  9. Black pepper powder
  10. Salt
  11. Oregano
  12. Butter


Step 1
Take two tablespoon of suji and allow to soak it into 1/2 cup of curd and keep it aside (Approximately 10 to 15 minutes). Now take another mixing bowl and add grated beetroot, cabbage, carrot  1/2 cup each. Also add 2 tablespoon finely chopped capsicum.
Step 2
Add soaked suji to the mixture for binding. For seasoning add 1 teaspoon oregano, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder, salt as per taste  finally mix well the mixture. 
Step 3
Take a bread slice, apply butter on it and gently spread the mixture on it. Now we will toast it. Take a non stick tava, grease it with butter, then put prepared bread slice upside down on it so that mixture get cooked on slow flame. Once it is done, flip the bread and toast other side of it. Then take it on a plate, cut into pieces ( 4 pieces) and put some grated cheese on it. So mummy your yummy sandwich is ready to serve.

Enjoy these recipes with your kidos and share your experience.

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